AE Metrologia applicata e ingegneria  

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A calibration facility to provide traceable calibration to upper air humidity measuring sensors / Cuccaro, Rugiada; Rosso, Lucia; Smorgon, Denis; Beltramino, Giulio; Fernicola, Vito. - (2017). (Intervento presentato al convegno EGU General Assembly 2017 tenutosi a Vienna nel aprile 2017). 2017 Rugiada CuccaroLucia RossoDenis SmorgonGiulio BeltraminoVito Fernicola -
A wireless reference node to provide self-calibration capability to wireless sensors networks / Smorgon, Denis; Fernicola, Vito. - Volume 2016-March, 21 March 2016, Article number 7438418, Pages 335-340:(2015), pp. 335-340. (Intervento presentato al convegno International Conference on Sensing Technology, ICST 2015) [10.1109/ICSensT.2015.7438418]. 2015 Smorgon, DenisFernicola, Vito RIF_99.pdf07438418.pdf
Accurate vapor pressure measurements of supercooled water in the temperature range between 252 K and 273 K / Beltramino, G.; Rosso, L.; Cuccaro, R.; Tabandeh, S.; Smorgon, D.; Fernicola, V.. - In: JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL THERMODYNAMICS. - ISSN 0021-9614. - Volume 141:Article number 105944(2020). [10.1016/j.jct.2019.105944] 2020 Beltramino G.Rosso L.Cuccaro R.Tabandeh S.Smorgon D.Fernicola V. Manuscript.pdfROSSO.pdf
Assuring measurement traceability to ATE systems for MEMS temperature sensors testing and calibration / Smorgon, Denis; Fernicola, Vito; Sousa, João A.; Ribeiro, Luís; Tamburini, Enrico; Catto, Michele. - (2020). (Intervento presentato al convegno METROLOGY FOR INDUSTRY 4.0 & IoT). 2020 Denis SmorgonVito Fernicola + -
CAPACITÀ DI MISURA E TARATURA DEL LABORATORIO PRIMARIO DI IGROMETRIA DELL’INRIM / Smorgon, D.; Rosso, L.; Cuccaro, Rugiada; Beltramino, G.; Banfo, M.; Fernicola, V.. - (2017). (Intervento presentato al convegno A&T2017 tenutosi a torino nel Aprile 2017). 2017 D. SmorgonL. RossoCUCCARO, RUGIADAG. BeltraminoM. BanfoV. Fernicola -
CHARACTERISATION OF THE INRIM LOW-FROST POINT GENERATOR OPERATING AT SUB-ATMOSPHERIC PRESSURE / Cuccaro, Rugiada; Rosso, Lucia; Smorgon, Denis; Beltramino, Giulio; Fernicola, Vito. - (2017). (Intervento presentato al convegno CIM 2017 – 19 to 21 September 2017 – Paris (France) tenutosi a Parigi nel Settembre 2017). 2017 Rugiada CuccaroLucia RossoDenis SmorgonGiulio BeltraminoVito Fernicola -
Comparison in humidity (dew-point temperature high range) dew point temperature +30 °C to 95 °C / Deschermeier, Regina; Bell, Stephanie; Benyon Puig, Robert; Bonde Kentved, Anders; Carroll, Paul; Fernicola, Vito; García Gallegos, Jamie; Heinonen, Martti; Hudolkin, Domen; Jarosz, Rafał; Kokkini, Evmorfia; Mac Lochlainn, Dubhaltach; Mitter, Helmut; Oğuz Aytekin, Seda; Panman, Matthijs; Senn, Remo; Šestan, Danijel; Smorgon, Denis; Stevens, Mark; Zvizdić, Davor. - In: METROLOGIA. - ISSN 0026-1394. - 61:1A(2024). [10.1088/0026-1394/61/1a/03008] 2024 Fernicola, VitoSmorgon, Denis + -
Comparison of Air Temperature Calibrations / Heinonen, M.; Anagnostou, M.; Bartolo, J.; Bell, S.; Benyon, R.; Bergerud, R. A.; Bojkovski, J.; Böse, N.; Dinu, C.; Smorgon, D.; Flakiewicz, K.; Martin, M. J.; Nedialkov, S.; Nielsen, M. B.; Oğuz Aytekin, S.; Otych, J.; Pedersen, M.; Rujan, M.; Testa, N.; Turzó-András, E.; Vilbaste, M.; White, M.. - In: INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF THERMOPHYSICS. - ISSN 0195-928X. - 35:6-7(2014), pp. 1251-1272. [10.1007/s10765-014-1654-9] 2014 Smorgon, D. + RIF_94.pdf
Development and preliminary investigation of a modular chamber for calibration of relative humidity instruments / Šestan, D; Smorgon, D; Rothmund, P; Iacomini, L; Šariri, K; Fernicola, V; Zvizdić, D; Hodžić, N. - In: JOURNAL OF PHYSICS. CONFERENCE SERIES. - ISSN 1742-6588. - 1065:(2018), p. 122017. [10.1088/1742-6596/1065/12/122017] 2018 Smorgon, DIacomini, LFernicola, V + Šestan_2018_J._Phys.%3A_Conf._Ser._1065_122017.pdf
Development of a low-frost point generator operating at sub-atmospheric pressure / Cuccaro, Rugiada; Rosso, Lucia; Smorgon, Denis; Beltramino, Giulio; Tabandeh, Shahin; Fernicola, V. - In: MEASUREMENT SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY. - ISSN 0957-0233. - (2018). [10.1088/1361-6501/aaa785] 2018 Cuccaro, RugiadaRosso, LuciaSmorgon, DenisBeltramino, GiulioFernicola, V + Cuccaro_2018_Meas._Sci._Technol._29_054002.pdf
Development of testing protocols for the measurement of pure and blended hydrogen in natural gas grids: An outlook from the THOTH2 project / Robino, Matteo; Fici, Salvatore; Guzzini, Alessandro; Pellegrini, Marco; Saccani, Cesare; Maury, Remy; Soumare, Hamidou; Mazzocco, Ludovico; Kulaga, Pawel; Dudek, Adrian; Gajec, Monika; Holewa-Rataj, Jadwiga; Enescu, Diana; Smorgon, Denis; Nobakht, Rezvaneh; Cuccaro, Rugiada; Gaiardo, Andrea; Valt, Matteo; Testi, Matteo; Bartali, Ruben. - In: MEASUREMENT. SENSORS. - ISSN 2665-9174. - (2025). [10.1016/j.measen.2024.101610] 2025 Enescu, DianaSmorgon, DenisNobakht, RezvanehCuccaro, Rugiada + -
Effect of hot air and infrared roasting on hazelnut allergenicity / Lamberti, Cristina; Nebbia, Stefano; Antoniazzi, Sara; Cirrincione, Simona; Marengo, Emilio; Manfredi, Marcello; Smorgon, Denis; Monti, Giovanna; Faccio, Antonella; Giuffrida, Maria Gabriella; Balestrini, Raffaella; Cavallarin, Laura. - In: FOOD CHEMISTRY. - ISSN 0308-8146. - 342:(2021), p. 128174. [10.1016/j.foodchem.2020.128174] 2021 Smorgon, Denis + 1-s2.0-S0308814620320367-main.pdfLamberti_manuscript_revised.pdf
Expansion of european research capabilities in humidity measurement / Hodžić, Nedžadeta; Čohodarević, Semir; Jandrić, Nebojša; Strnad, Radek; Sestan, Danijel; Zvizdic, Davor; Fernicola, Vito; Smorgon, Denis; Iacomini, Luigi; Simic, Slavica; MAC LOCHLAINN, Dubaltach; Karaböce, Nuray; OĞUZ AYTEKİN, Seda; Bojkovski, Jovan; Hudoklin, Domen; PETRUŠOVA and Tanja VUKICEVIC, Olgica. - (2017). (Intervento presentato al convegno 18th International Congress of Metrology (CIM2019)) [10.1051/metrology/201706006]. 2017 Vito FERNICOLADenis SMORGONLuigi IACOMINI + metrology_metr2017_06006.pdf
Final report on CCT-K6: Comparison of local realisations of dew-point temperature scales in the range −50 °C to +20 °C / Bell, S; Stevens, M; Abe, H; Benyon, R; Bosma, R; Fernicola, V; Heinonen, M; Huang, P; Kitano, H; Li, Z; Nielsen, J; Ochi, N; Podmurnaya, O A; Scace, G; Smorgon, D; Vicente, T; Vinge, A F; Wang, L; Yi, H. - In: METROLOGIA. - ISSN 0026-1394. - 52:1A(2015), pp. 03005-03005. [10.1088/0026-1394/52/1A/03005] 2015 Fernicola, VSmorgon, D + RIF_127c.pdf
HUMIDITY AND MOISTURE MEASUREMENTS IN FOOD PROCESSING APPLICATIONS / Smorgon, D.; Tabandeh, S.; Cavallarin, L.; Lamberti, C.; Nebbia, S.; Giannattasio, A.; Negro, S.; Fernicola, V.. - (2019). (Intervento presentato al convegno Tempmeko 2019). 2019 D. SmorgonS. TabandehV. Fernicola + -
HUMIDITY AND MOISTURE MEASUREMENTS IN FOOD PROCESSING APPLICATIONS / Smorgon, D.; Tabandeh, S.; Cavallarin, L.; Lamberti, C.; Nebbia, S.; Giannattasio3, A.; Negro, S.; Fernicola, V.. - (2019). (Intervento presentato al convegno Tempmeko 2019). 2019 D. SmorgonS. TabandehV. Fernicola + -
Hybrid Comparison - Air temperature sensors / Smorgon, D.; Salerno, R.; Čohodarević, S.. - (2024). 2024 D. SmorgonR. Salerno + -
Hybrid Comparison between INRIM and IMBIH of air temperature sensors calibrations in the range -20 °C to 60 °C. In the framework of the project EURAMET P1586 / Smorgon, D.; Salerno, R.; Čohodarević, S.. - (2024). 2024 D. SmorgonR. Salerno + -
Hybrid Comparison METAS - INRiM Realization of Dew/Frost-Point from -30 °C to 70 °C / Smorgon, D.; Salerno, R.. - (2023). 2023 D. SmorgonR. Salerno RT-2023-32.pdf
Hydrogen in natural gas grids: prospects and recommendations about gas flow meters / Guzzini, Alessandro; Pellegrini, Marco; Saccani, Cesare; Dudek, Adrian; Gajec, Monika; Król, Anna; Kulaga, Pawel; Gislon, Paola; Cigolotti, Viviana; Robino, Matteo; Enescu, Diana; Fernicola, Vito Claudio; Smorgon, Denis; Maury, Remy; Gaiardo, Andrea; Valt, Matteo; Polak, Dorota; Bissig, Hugo. - In: INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HYDROGEN ENERGY. - ISSN 0360-3199. - 86:(2024), pp. 343-362. [10.1016/j.ijhydene.2024.08.344] 2024 Enescu, DianaFernicola, Vito ClaudioSmorgon, Denis + -