Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
NA - Nord America 12.642
EU - Europa 5.016
AS - Asia 2.773
SA - Sud America 89
AF - Africa 44
OC - Oceania 30
Continente sconosciuto - Info sul continente non disponibili 28
Totale 20.622
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 12.485
CN - Cina 1.910
SE - Svezia 1.225
UA - Ucraina 808
IT - Italia 775
GB - Regno Unito 754
DE - Germania 500
SG - Singapore 500
FR - Francia 374
FI - Finlandia 144
CA - Canada 117
IE - Irlanda 114
IN - India 56
BR - Brasile 54
RU - Federazione Russa 52
BE - Belgio 51
KR - Corea 50
PL - Polonia 44
NL - Olanda 36
JP - Giappone 34
HK - Hong Kong 29
EU - Europa 28
AU - Australia 23
MT - Malta 23
VN - Vietnam 23
LB - Libano 22
MX - Messico 20
IL - Israele 19
PH - Filippine 19
TR - Turchia 18
ID - Indonesia 17
CH - Svizzera 14
EG - Egitto 13
ZA - Sudafrica 13
CU - Cuba 12
IR - Iran 12
CZ - Repubblica Ceca 11
HR - Croazia 11
RO - Romania 11
AR - Argentina 10
NO - Norvegia 10
TH - Thailandia 10
CO - Colombia 8
ES - Italia 8
MY - Malesia 8
PE - Perù 7
TW - Taiwan 7
AT - Austria 6
BD - Bangladesh 6
BG - Bulgaria 6
DK - Danimarca 6
NZ - Nuova Zelanda 6
SI - Slovenia 6
BA - Bosnia-Erzegovina 5
CR - Costa Rica 5
GE - Georgia 5
PK - Pakistan 5
GR - Grecia 4
NG - Nigeria 4
PT - Portogallo 4
CL - Cile 3
EC - Ecuador 3
EE - Estonia 3
ET - Etiopia 3
IQ - Iraq 3
KZ - Kazakistan 3
LA - Repubblica Popolare Democratica del Laos 3
MA - Marocco 3
SA - Arabia Saudita 3
SK - Slovacchia (Repubblica Slovacca) 3
TN - Tunisia 3
TZ - Tanzania 3
AM - Armenia 2
AZ - Azerbaigian 2
BY - Bielorussia 2
DZ - Algeria 2
LT - Lituania 2
MN - Mongolia 2
UY - Uruguay 2
AL - Albania 1
BO - Bolivia 1
DO - Repubblica Dominicana 1
FJ - Figi 1
HU - Ungheria 1
KG - Kirghizistan 1
LK - Sri Lanka 1
LV - Lettonia 1
MD - Moldavia 1
MM - Myanmar 1
NP - Nepal 1
PA - Panama 1
QA - Qatar 1
TT - Trinidad e Tobago 1
VE - Venezuela 1
Totale 20.622
Città #
Cambridge 1.960
Beijing 1.699
Fairfield 1.540
Chandler 1.109
Woodbridge 1.067
Wilmington 793
Ashburn 773
Ann Arbor 708
Seattle 687
Houston 666
Boardman 471
Singapore 354
Jacksonville 349
Nyköping 285
San Mateo 219
New York 200
Dearborn 114
Dublin 113
Turin 97
Toronto 88
Ogden 73
London 71
Los Angeles 71
Helsinki 61
Rome 60
St Louis 50
Dallas 47
Brussels 43
Milan 43
San Diego 41
Las Vegas 37
Strasbourg 37
Kraków 35
Atlanta 32
Hanover 32
West Jordan 32
Guangzhou 26
Tokyo 25
Berlin 24
Torino 20
Frankfurt am Main 19
São Paulo 19
Chicago 18
Kyiv 18
Hong Kong 15
Moscow 15
Redmond 15
Haifa 14
Prescot 14
Redwood City 14
San Francisco 14
Chiswick 13
Genoa 13
Ottawa 11
Bien Hoa 10
Miami 10
Naples 10
New Bedfont 10
Santa Clara 10
Shanghai 10
Plaisir 9
Zagreb 9
Bergen 8
Bologna 8
Canberra 8
Florence 8
Havana 8
Mountain View 8
Munich 8
Ankara 7
Buffalo 7
Kunming 7
Lappeenranta 7
Paris 7
Acton 6
Braunschweig 6
Carate 6
Hanoi 6
Kuala Lumpur 6
Monmouth Junction 6
Padova 6
Perth 6
San Carlo Canavese 6
San Jose 6
Stralsund 6
Teddington 6
Warsaw 6
Xi'an 6
Zhengzhou 6
Birkirkara 5
Bogotá 5
Brno 5
Buenos Aires 5
Cairo 5
Cascina 5
Hefei 5
Heredia 5
Hounslow 5
Islington 5
Istanbul 5
Totale 14.678
Nome #
A spar buoy-mounted ADCP measurement station in the Ligurian Sea: a metrological approach to correct current measures for bias effects and evaluate uncertainties 546
Uncertainty due to parasitic accelerations in absolute gravimetry 356
Analysis of Flow Meters Calibration 323
Traceability and Online Publication of Weather Station Measurements of Temperature, Pressure, and Humidity 319
Weather measurements traceability: an example at INRiM 316
Reconstruction of the free-falling body trajectory in a rise-and-fall absolute ballistic gravimeter 300
Uncertainty evaluation for magnetic dipole models: ESA study “Uncertainty budgets for magnetic dipole models” 295
Uncertainty evaluation for the quantification of low masses of benzo[a]pyrene: Comparison between the Law of Propagation of Uncertainty and the Monte Carlo method 288
Monte Carlo simulation of expert judgments on human errors in chemical analysis - A case study of ICP-MS 274
Evaluating Measurement Uncertainty in Absolute Gravimetry: an Application of the Monte Carlo Method 271
Calibration Curves Computing – CCC software 268
Uncertainty Propagation in a Non-linear Regression Analysis: Application to a Ballistic Absolute Gravimeter (IMGC-02) 268
Uncertainty Evaluation for Quantification of Low Amount of Benzo[a]Pyrene: Law of Propagation of Uncertainty and Monte Carlo Method for Propagation of Distributions 267
The expression of uncertainty in non-linear parameter estimation 265
Traceable measurement of speci fic organic species at industrially relevant surface by infrared spectroscopy 264
Metrological traceability of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) measurements in green tea and mate 263
Statistical techniques for assessing the agreement between two instruments 262
Direct detection and quantification of molecular surface contaminants by infrared and Raman spectroscopy 257
Uncertainty evaluation for the estimate of a complex-valued quantity modulus 257
Mathematical modelling to support traceable dynamic calibration of pressure sensors 257
Uncertainty in measurements by counting 256
Monte Carlo Method for Uncertainty Propagation in Magnetic Resonance-based Electric Properties Tomography 254
Why always seek the expected value? A discussion relating to the Lp norm 253
Weather measurements traceability: an example at INRIM 253
Monte Carlo Method for Uncertainty Propagation in Magnetic Resonance-Based Electric Properties Tomography 250
An infrared spectroscopy method to detect ammonia in gastric juice 244
Production and validation of primary carbon dioxide reference standards at INRIM 235
Between the mean and the median: the Lp estimator 232
The generalized weighted mean of correlated quantities 230
S L R Ellison and A Williams (Eds) Eurachem/CITAC Guide: Metrological Traceability in Analytical measurement (2nd ed. 2019). ISBN: 978-0-948926-34-1 226
On the best fit of a line to uncertain observation pairs 224
Uncertainty propagation in non-linear measurement equations 224
A weighted total least-squares algorithm for any fitting model with correlated variables 221
Comparison of calibration curves using the Lp norm 221
Human errors and measurement uncertainty 220
Conformity assessment of multicomponent materials or objects: Risk of false decisions due to measurement uncertainty - A case study of denatured alcohols 219
Estimation of the modulus of a complex-valued quantity 219
Hydrometer calibration: linking SIM NMIs to the EURAMET key comparison reference value of EURAMET.M.D-K4 216
Bayesian conformity assessment in presence of systematic measurement errors 212
Non-linear models and best estimates in the GUM 209
P450-based porous silicon biosensor for arachidonic acid detection 209
On the in-use uncertainty of an instrument 202
Magnetic Resonance-based EPT: Noise Propagation in an Ill-Posed Problem 201
Columnar cell lesions associated with breast calcifications on vacuum-assisted core biopsies: clinical, radiographic, and histological correlations 200
Tutorial and spreadsheets for Bayesian evaluation of risks of false decisions on conformity of a multicomponent material or object due to measurement uncertainty 200
Numerical uncertainty evaluation for complex-valued quantities: a case example 198
Risk of false decision on conformity of a multicomponent material when test results of the components' content are correlated 198
Compendium of examples: good practice in evaluating measurement uncertainty 198
Developments in uncertainty evaluation: the activity of JCGM/WG1 197
Total risk of a false decision on conformity of an alloy due to measurement uncertainty and correlation of test results 195
Uncertainty analysis of thermal conductivity measurements in materials for energy-efficient buildings 194
Investigating out-of-specification test results of chemical composition based on metrological concepts 192
Human being as a part of measuring system influencing measurement results 192
null 185
Temperature, humidity and pressure measurements traceability for a meteorological weather station 182
Comparison of calibration curves using the Lp norm 180
The use of dynamic dilution by Mass Flow Controllers in the environmental monitoring of CO2: calibration issues and strategies 178
Multi-component out-of-specification test results: a case study of concentration of pesticide residues in tomatoes 178
Numerical uncertainty evaluation for complex-valude quantities: a case example 177
IUPAC/CITAC Guide: Classification, modeling and quantification of human errors in a chemical analytical laboratory (IUPAC Technical Report) 177
Risk of a false decision on conformity of an environmental compartment due to measurement uncertainty of concentrations of two or more pollutants 177
House-of-security approach to measurement in analytical chemistry: quantification of human error using expert judgments 174
Long-term stability study of drug products and out-of-specification test results 167
Human Errors in a Routine Analytical Laboratory—Classification, Modeling and Quantification: Overview of the IUPAC/CITAC Guide* 167
IUPAC/CITAC Guide: Investigating out-of-specification test results of chemical composition based on metrological concepts (IUPAC Technical Report) 163
Human errors and reliability of test results in analytical chemistry 158
Investigating out-of-specification test results of mass concentration of total suspended particulates in air based on metrological concepts – a case study 156
The GUM, guide to the expression of uncertainty in measurement, and related documents. Present status and future developments 151
A Guide to Bayesian Inference for Regression Problems, Deliverable of EMRP project NEW04 “Novel mathematical and statistical approaches to uncertainty evaluation” 149
Uncertainty evaluation of CTD measurements: a metrological approach to water-column coastal parameters in the Gulf of La Spezia area 147
A Bayesian model for count data affected by false positives and false negatives 145
Optimal and robust methods in the evaluation of measurement uncertainty 143
Valore di riferimento e grado d’equivalenza nei confronti di misure: aspetti matematico-statistici 136
Telepathology as a Service Support for Pap Test Diagnosis in Zambia: The Experience of Pathology Beyond Borders 135
Comment on “Physics without determinism: Alternative interpretations of classical physics” 133
Acquisizione e riferibilità di parametri meteorologici ambientali presso l’INRIM 132
Spreadsheet for evaluation of global risks in conformity assessment of a multicomponent material or object 129
How many shades of grey are in conformity assessment due to measurement uncertainty? 123
Hydrometers calibration: linking SIM NMIs to the Euramet key comparison reference value of EURAMET.M.D-K4 115
Order Statistics and uncertainty evaluation 111
Correlation of test results and influence of a mass balance constraint on risks in conformity assessment of a substance or material 110
Manuale del programma di calcolo per analisi di gas 109
EUROMET.M.M-K2 key comparison. Evaluation of results 109
Report on a Glazebrook Fellowship research activity 106
Relazione di accertamento sperimentale SIT/RC-042/06, Confronto Interlaboratorio SIT ILC/M-001/05 106
Checking diagnosis by telepathology: a statistical analysis of one year of experience in remote second opinion on pap smears performed in a surgical pathology department in Zambia 101
Special Section on Mathematical and Statistical Methods for Metrology (EDITORIALE) 101
Comparison of calibration curves: an application example 100
Le statistiche d’ordine nell’inferenza robusta 96
Statistiche d’ordine estratte da una distribuzione contaminata 96
Experimental tests with 2022 UnithermTM Heat Flow Meter: preliminary uncertainty analysis in Thermal Conductivity measurement 93
null 89
Fit-for-purpose risks in conformity assessment of a substance or material – A case study of synthetic air 81
Realisation and preliminary validation of a dilution device for the generation of CO2 gas mixtures 79
Confronto di curve di taratura: un esempio di applicazione 77
Bayesian analysis of repeated measurements affected by a systematic error and its application to conformity assessment 76
XBT, ARGO Float and Ship-Based CTD Profiles Intercompared under Strict Space-Time Conditions in the Mediterranean Sea: Assessment of Metrological Comparability 76
EMUE-D3-3-CalibrationGasMixtures 76
Conformity assessment of a sample of items – an extension of the JCGM 106:2012 74
Extension of the JCGM 106:2012 - Conformity assessment of multicomponent items and finite statistical samples 72
Totale 19.105
Categoria #
all - tutte 122.096
article - articoli 0
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 0
Totale 122.096

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/20202.983 0 0 0 0 0 310 289 157 340 1.251 624 12
2020/20212.967 342 75 549 138 357 175 485 103 311 203 142 87
2021/20222.049 413 78 68 170 164 91 191 199 252 161 66 196
2022/20232.708 146 166 226 275 266 530 26 321 464 57 125 106
2023/20242.079 109 140 279 160 140 112 245 127 276 113 148 230
2024/20251.223 203 130 248 121 257 264 0 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 21.108