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3D Printing of Magnetoresponsive Polymeric Materials with Tunable Mechanical and Magnetic Properties by Digital Light Processing / Lantean, Simone; Barrera, Gabriele; Pirri, Candido Fabrizio; Tiberto, Paola; Sangermano, Marco; Roppolo, Ignazio; Rizza, Giancarlo. - In: ADVANCED MATERIALS TECHNOLOGIES. - ISSN 2365-709X. - 4:11(2019), p. 1900505. [10.1002/admt.201900505] 2019 Barrera, GabrieleTiberto, Paola + Lantean2019.pdfadmt.201900505.pdf
4D Printing of Multifunctional Devices Induced by Synergistic Role of Magnetite and Silver Nanoparticles in Polymeric Nanocomposites / Cosola, A.; Roppolo, I.; Frascella, F.; Napione, L.; Barrera, G.; Tiberto, P.; Turbant, F.; Arluison, V.; Caldelari, I.; Mercier, N.; Castellino, M.; Aubrit, F.; Rizza, G.. - In: ADVANCED FUNCTIONAL MATERIALS. - ISSN 1616-3028. - 34:41(2024). [10.1002/adfm.202406226] 2024 Barrera G.Tiberto P. + Casola2024.pdf
A comparative study of the influence of the deposition technique (electrodeposition versus sputtering) on the properties of nanostructured Fe70Pd30 films / Cialone, Matteo; Fernandez-Barcia, Monica; Celegato, Federica; Coisson, Marco; Barrera, Gabriele; Uhlemann, Margitta; Gebert, Annett; Sort, Jordi; Pellicer, Eva; Rizzi, Paola; Tiberto, Paola. - In: SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY OF ADVANCED MATERIALS. - ISSN 1468-6996. - 21:1(2020), pp. 424-434-434. [10.1080/14686996.2020.1780097] 2020 Cialone, MatteoCelegato, FedericaCoisson, MarcoBarrera, GabrieleRizzi, PaolaTiberto, Paola + A comparative study of the influence of the deposition technique electrodeposition versus sputtering on the properties of nanostructured Fe70Pd30.pdf
Achieving Giant Magnetically Induced Reorientation of Martensitic Variants in Magnetic Shape-Memory Ni-Mn-Ga Films by Microstructure Engineering / Ranzieri, P; Campanini, M; Fabbrici, S; Nasi, L; Casoli, F; Cabassi, R; Buffagni, E; Grillo, V; Magen, C; Celegato, F; Barrera, G; Tiberto, PAOLA MARIA; Albertini, F.. - In: ADVANCED MATERIALS. - ISSN 0935-9648. - 27:32(2015), pp. 4760-4766. [10.1002/adma.201502072] 2015 Celegato FBarrera GTIBERTO, PAOLA MARIA + adma.201502072.pdfADVMAT-S-15-02538 (1) (1).pdf
Adsorption of gallic acid by tailor-made magnetic metal-ceramic nanocomposites / Pirozzi, Domenico; Pansini, Michele; Marocco, Antonello; Esposito, Serena; Barrera, Gabriele; Tiberto, Paola; Allia, Paolo; Sannino, Filomena. - In: JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR LIQUIDS. - ISSN 0167-7322. - 371:(2023). [10.1016/j.molliq.2022.121083] 2023 Barrera, GabrieleTiberto, PaolaAllia, Paolo + 1-s2.0-S0167732222026228-main.pdf
Al/Fe isomorphic substitution versus Fe2O3 clusters formation in Fe-doped aluminosilicate nanotubes (imogolite) / Shafia, E; Esposito, S; Manzoli, M; Chiesa, M; Tiberto, PAOLA MARIA; Barrera, G; Menard, G; Allia, P; Freyria, Fs; Garrone, E; Bonelli, B.. - In: JOURNAL OF NANOPARTICLE RESEARCH. - ISSN 1388-0764. - 17:8(2015), pp. 1-14. [10.1007/s11051-015-3130-2] 2015 TIBERTO, PAOLA MARIABarrera G + -
Anisotropic magnetic polymer nanocomposite with self-assembled chains of titania-coated magnetite nanoparticles / Allia, P.; Barrera, G.; Nardi, T.; Leterrier, Y.; Tiberto, P.. - In: MATERIALS TODAY COMMUNICATIONS. - ISSN 2352-4928. - 7:(2016), pp. 32-41. [10.1016/j.mtcomm.2016.03.002] 2016 Barrera, G.Tiberto, P. + 1-s2.0-S2352492816300216-main.pdf
Anisotropic magneto-resistance in Ni80Fe20 antidot arrays with different lattice configurations / Coisson, Marco; Manzin, Alessandra; Barrera, G; Celegato, F; Enrico, Emanuele; Tiberto, PAOLA MARIA; Vinai, Franco. - In: APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE. - ISSN 0169-4332. - 316:(2014), pp. 380-384. [10.1016/j.apsusc.2014.08.014] 2014 COISSON, MARCOMANZIN, ALESSANDRABarrera GCelegato FENRICO, EMANUELETIBERTO, PAOLA MARIAVINAI, FRANCO -
Arrays of nanostructured antidot in Ni80Fe20 magnetic thin films by photolithography of polystyrene nanospheres / Tiberto, PAOLA MARIA; Boarino, Luca; Celegato, F; Barrera, G; Coisson, Marco; Vinai, Franco; Allia, P.. - In: APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE. - ISSN 0169-4332. - 259:(2012), pp. 44-48. [10.1016/j.apsusc.2012.06.071] 2012 TIBERTO, PAOLA MARIABOARINO, LUCACelegato, FBarrera, GCOISSON, MARCOVINAI, FRANCO + -
Arrays of ordered nanostructures in Fe-Pt thin films by self-assembling of polystyrene nanospheres / Tiberto, PAOLA MARIA; Barrera, G; Boarino, Luca; Celegato, F; Coisson, Marco; DE LEO, Maria; Albertini, F; Casoli, F; Ranzieri, P.. - In: JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS. - ISSN 0021-8979. - 113:17(2013), p. 17B516.17B516. [10.1063/1.4797626] 2013 TIBERTO, PAOLA MARIABarrera, GBOARINO, LUCACelegato, FCOISSON, MARCODE LEO, MARIA + -
Au-Coated Ni80Fe20 Submicron Magnetic Nanodisks: Interactions With Tumor Cells / Divieto, Carla; Barrera, Gabriele; Celegato, Federica; D'Agostino, Giancarlo; DI LUZIO, Marco; Coisson, Marco; Lapini, Andrea; Mortati, Leonardo; Zucco, Massimo; Pavarelli, Stefano; Sassi, MARIA PAOLA; Tiberto, PAOLA MARIA. - In: FRONTIERS IN NANOTECHNOLOGY. - ISSN 2673-3013. - (2020). [10.3389/fnano.2020.00002] 2020 Carla DivietoGabriele BarreraFederica CelegatoGiancarlo D'AgostinoMarco Di LuzioMarco CoissonAndrea LapiniLeonardo MortatiMassimo ZuccoStefano PavarelliMaria Paola SassiPaola Tiberto fnano-02-00002 (1).pdf
Bi-Component Nanostructured Arrays of Co Dots Embedded in Ni80Fe20 Antidot Matrix: Synthesis by Self-Assembling of Polystyrene Nanospheres and Magnetic Properties / Coïsson, Marco; Celegato, Federica; Barrera, Gabriele; Conta, Gianluca; Magni, Alessandro; Tiberto, Paola. - In: NANOMATERIALS. - ISSN 2079-4991. - 7:9(2017), p. 232. [10.3390/nano7090232] 2017 Coïsson, MarcoCelegato, FedericaBarrera, GabrieleMagni, AlessandroTiberto, Paola + -
Cation distribution effect on static and dynamic magnetic properties of Co1-xZnxFe2O4 ferrite powders / Barrera, G.; Coisson, M.; Celegato, F.; Raghuvanshi, S.; Mazaleyrat, F.; Kane, S. N.; Tiberto, P.. - In: JOURNAL OF MAGNETISM AND MAGNETIC MATERIALS. - ISSN 0304-8853. - 456:(2018), pp. 372-380. [10.1016/j.jmmm.2018.02.072] 2018 Barrera, G.Coisson, M.Celegato, F.Tiberto, P. + 1-s2.0-S0304885317336892-main.pdfRevised_Manuscript_Barrera_et_al.pdf
Control of magnetic vortex states in FeGa microdisks: Experiments and micromagnetics / Pradhan, G.; Magni, A.; Celegato, F.; Coisson, M.; Barrera, G.; Mikulickova, L.; Arregi, J. A.; Celko, L.; Uhlir, V.; Rizzi, P.; Tiberto, P.. - In: JOURNAL OF SCIENCE. ADVANCED MATERIALS AND DEVICES. - ISSN 2468-2284. - 8:3(2023). [10.1016/j.jsamd.2023.100608] 2023 Pradhan G.Magni A.Celegato F.Coisson M.Barrera G.Rizzi P.Tiberto P. + Pradhan2023.pdf
Dewetting Process in Ni-Mn-Ga Shape-Memory Heusler: Effects on Morphology, Stoichiometry and Magnetic Properties / Ghahfarokhi, Mt; Celegato, F; Barrera, G; Casoli, F; Tiberto, P; Albertini, F. - In: CRYSTALS. - ISSN 2073-4352. - 12:12(2022), p. 1826. [10.3390/cryst12121826] 2022 Celegato, FBarrera, GTiberto, P + crystals-12-01826 (1).pdf
Dipolar interactions among magnetite nanoparticles for magnetic hyperthermia: a rate-equation approach / Barrera, G; Allia, P; Tiberto, P. - In: NANOSCALE. - ISSN 2040-3364. - 13:7(2021), pp. 4103-4121. [10.1039/d0nr07397k] 2021 Barrera, GAllia, PTiberto, P d0nr07397k.pdfBarrera et al 2nd revision BLACK.pdf
Disordered to ordered phase transformation: Correlation between microstructure and magnetic properties in Fe-Pd thin films / Bahamida, S.; Fnidiki, A.; Coisson, M.; Olivetti, E. S.; Barrera, G.; Celegato, F.; Tiberto, P.; Boudissa, M.. - In: JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS. - ISSN 0021-8979. - 131:12(2022), p. 123902. [10.1063/5.0085898] 2022 M. CoissonE. S. OlivettiG. BarreraF. CelegatoP. Tiberto + Disordered to ordered phase transformation in Fe-Pd thin films_Author version.pdf123902_1_online.pdf
Dual-responsive magnetic nanodroplets for controlled oxygen release via ultrasound and magnetic stimulation / Galati, Simone; Vassallo, Marta; Vicentini, Marta; Vallino, Marta; Celegato, Federica; Barrera, Gabriele; Martella, Daniele; Olivetti, Elena S.; Sacco, Alessio; Petiti, Jessica; Divieto, Carla; Tiberto, Paola; Manzin, Alessandra; Troia, Adriano. - In: NANOSCALE. - ISSN 2040-3372. - 16:(2024), pp. 1711-1723. [10.1039/d3nr04925f] 2024 Simone GalatiMarta VassalloMarta VicentiniFederica CelegatoGabriele BarreraDaniele MartellaElena S. OlivettiAlessio SaccoJessica PetitiCarla DivietoPaola TibertoAlessandra ManzinAdriano Troia + Manuscript_Nanoscale_Editorial_version.pdfSupporting Information.pdf
Effect of the A1 to L10 transformation on the structure and magnetic properties of polycrystalline Fe56Pd44 alloy thin films produced by thermal evaporation technique / Bahamida, S.; Fnidiki, A.; Coïsson, M.; Barrera, G.; Celegato, F.; Olivetti, E. S.; Tiberto, P.; Laggoun, A.; Boudissa, M.. - In: THIN SOLID FILMS. - ISSN 0040-6090. - 668:(2018), pp. 9-13. [10.1016/j.tsf.2018.10.013] 2018 Coïsson, M.Barrera, G.Celegato, F.Olivetti, E. S.Tiberto, P. + Bahamida_TSF_2018.pdfFePd revised.pdf
Effect of the Substrate Crystallinity on Morphological and Magnetic Properties of Fe70Pd30 Nanoparticles Obtained by the Solid-State Dewetting / Barrera, G; Celegato, F; Cialone, M; Coisson, M; Rizzi, P; Tiberto, P. - In: SENSORS. - ISSN 1424-8220. - 21:21(2021), p. 7420. [10.3390/s21217420] 2021 Barrera, GCelegato, FCialone, MCoisson, MRizzi, PTiberto, P sensors-21-07420-v2.pdf